Remember your first job interview, or your first day of school? You were scared to DEATH, but eventually, the more first day's of school that pasted, and the more interviews you took on, the less scary they became. Remember the feeling, "I just want to run out of here, I am about to puke!?" Well, courage brought you through those times. "Courage is being scared to death.. and saddling up anyway. "~John Wayne. It is so important to use fear as motivation rather than an excuse to back down. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." ~ Ambrose Redmoon. The more you feel nervous or out of your comfort zone, the more you should be so proud of yourself for trying something new and getting out there! Everyday you push through a scary moment, whether it be in your career or personal life, give yourself a pat on the back, because above all else, you made it through when you had the chance to run! "There can be no courage unless you're scared!" ~Eddie Richenbacker. We at Fashuvia challenge you to be brave, for the rest of your life! When you get fearful or scared, tell yourself "I can and WILL make it through, and the next time, it will be easier." Without using fear as a push into something new, you will never move forward in your life and may miss great opportunities. If you don't get the job, contract, date, so what! You were brave and you tried, which is an accomplishment in and of itself!
"Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, what you can accomplish." ~Cicile Springer
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