Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quotes in a time of weakness.

Everyone has their moments. . even the strongest fall sometimes.. we find that in a "moment," some inspiring words can really help get us through. . . So today we found some quotes that should do the trick to help you feel powerful and unstoppable (which everyone woman should feel)!! 

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." -Carlos Castaneda

"If you believe in yourself, have dedication, pride, and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards." -Paul Bryant

and most importantly. . 

Always think positively! Have no room for a negative thought, it is a mere waste of space. . focus on what you want, and go get it! Nothing is stopping you. . Nothing!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The thrill of the hunt

Let's face it, nothing beats the thrill of finding an amazing item of clothing or an accessory for a fraction of the retail price, but for some reason splurging on a ridiculously expensive luxury item feels just as good, if not BETTER!!!

With the economy taking a down turn, many of us are pinching pennies everywhere we can, and rightfully so! It is always important to take care of your needs and making a nice beefy saving account before doing anything crazy, but make sure to treat yourself every once in awhile, because let's face it, what's the point of getting out of bed everyday busting your bum at work, if you have nothing to show for it besides money in the bank. 

Make sure that along with putting money in your savings account each week, you put a little in your "rainy day" account. . it doesn't have to be a lot, maybe just $10.00 a week or so, you would be surprised how quickly this adds up; and in a few months you will be able to afford a pair of True Religion jeans, a YSL bag, Gucci shades, a new ipod, the choice is yours! It is amazing how good you will feel after purchasing a luxury item that will last a life time! 

Tips to help you along the way:

1. Most importantly, DON'T FEEL GUILTY! You work hard for your money, you are responsible, you pay your bills, put money in savings, look at you! You're a rock star!! You deserve it!!!!!

2. Choose wisely, if you are going to be spending $1000.00 on a pair of shoes, or $800.00 on a bag, make sure it is timeless! Purchasing trendy designer duds is a complete no-no! You want to rock out your new Gucci handbag until it can be rocked no longer don't you?? Stick with the classics, black pumps (maybe if you're going for the "red bottoms"), leather bags and accessories (if you are spending upwards of $1000.00 on a designer bag, please DO NOT purchase canvas or cloth, high quality leather lasts a lifetime, get your money's worth!!) 

3. Try to steer clear of clothing. I last splurged on a pair of True Religion Jeans. . and let's face it Denim is timeless, and you can literally wear the same jeans 4 times a week without anyone even noticing, so as long as you plan on taking exceptional care of your garments and staying in shape so that you never grow out of them, then by all means, but if you tend to never make it to the dry cleaner, or refuse to go to a tailor, stick to shoes and accessories, garments are much more likely to wear and tear-apart! So keep this in mind.

4. Try skipping your daily Starbucks or start packing your lunch, and the money you save can be used towards your new luxury item!!! My daily Starbucks costs around $5.00! That is $25.00 a work week, $100.00 a month!! If I cut back on my Starbucks, I could have a pair of Christian Louboutin's in a year, with $200.00 to spare! Try tracking your spending and cutting out unnecessary things such as take-out and coffee! 

5. Choose an item you will love. . FOREVER!

6. A great tip is this.... keep your clothing cheap and you accessories expensive! Search for the bargain clothing! No one is going to notice whether your dress cost $6.00 at Old Navy, or $6000.00 at Neiman's but who can take their eyes off of a timeless Gucci?! 

And just to bring the point home. . I have a Gucci make-up bag that was my Mother's in HIGH SCHOOL. . . it is about 30 years old and I still use it everyday! It is a little worn, but let me tell you. . it is still a show stopper!!!

This post may seem a little materialistic, but if luxury items give you the warm and fuzzies like they do to us here at Fashuvia, we wanted to show you, no matter your budget, you can afford it!!!!! 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Format

Hey Ladies!

     So... as we're sure you're aware.... fashuvia has died down over the last month due to super busy schedules and other priorities... Luckily, we are back up and running and have decided to switch it up a bit! 

We have found that keeping a daily topic limits us to what we really want to discuss on a daily basis. So for this reason, we are having a more open forum to discuss any topic which we find relevant to the day! Today's topic..... makeup brushes.

Recently fashuvia received a facial and paid close attention to the good skin tips that were being given... 

Firstly, CLEAN YOUR MAKE-UP BRUSHES REGULARLY! Although this isn't the best thing for the brushes themselves, we found the BEST way to get them SQUEAKY clean is by using dish soap... think about it, dish soap is used to clean animals who have been trapped in oil spills.. if it can get the oil and muck off of them, it can break through make-up in an instant.... Squirt soap directly on brush... massage and rinse.. repeat until water is completely clear, then re-shape brush and let dry on a towel... you will notice a complete change! The brushes feel so great on your skin!! You will always be amazed at how much make-up washes down the drain!!! (Make-up brushes harbor oil and bacteria! Clean once a week!)

Change your pillow case every other day! The oils from your hair and scalp soak into your pillowcase, and when your face touches the pillow, you then transmit the oils from the hair onto the face, creating breakouts!!! Preferably use a white pillow case ONLY, these have less chemicals, and chemicals are something we want to avoid!!! Monday, use one side of the pillow, Tuesday flip it and use the other.. Wednesday change pillow case, and repeat! 

Clean your cell phone! Let's face it.. you use your cell phone constantly, and it is disgustingly dirty! When your phone touches your face... instant bacteria fest!!! Get in the habit of using clorox wipes or rubbing alcohol on a tissue on your phone AT LEAST once a day..... this will help keep everything nice and clean!!!

Don't touch your face! We don't realize how much we touch our face throughout the day! When we do this, all the bacteria on our hands gets rubbed into our faces! Make sure to NEVER touch your face... this will prevent bacteria and in turn, make for a clearer face! :) 

NEVER POP PIMPLES! ok, ok, so we all do it! But we need to stop!!! When you pop a pimple, the skin has a nice little hole in it which bacteria can grow and thrive, creating more pimples!!! Furthermore, this holes scar, creating for an ugly complexion which is very hard and expensive to correct! When you notice a pimple, use a hot compress on the area, and ONLY on that area (too hot of water can cause for blood vessels to break in the skin, causing red spots).... if the pimple doesn't open, continue to use the compress until it does! :) This may take a few days... but it will heal! 

Finally! Keep your hair out of your face! Hair on the face allows for oil to run onto the skin, causing breakouts! Make sure to keep your hair out of your face to prevent the transmitting of oils!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fashuvia's Favorite 10 Things

1. Rompers - At first we were a little uneasy about this one piece but after trying one on off the sale rack instantly fell in love - they will make your waist look AMAZING! So if haven't already go out and buy one today!

2. Coco Chanel - She is a fashion genius, just think her 2.55 handbag and Chanel No. 5 are still top sellers even though they hit the market in the 1920s - not to mention we have her to thank for the little black dress

3. High waisted skirts - they instantly make you look super skinny and super polished - a must wear for your next meeting at work

4. Confidence - the true secret to always looking great isn't really about fashion, it's about confidence - so if you love what you are wearing and how you look so will everyone else

5. Student Discount - So who doesn't love getting a discount, next time you are in the store ask if they have a student discount The Limited, Charlotte Russe, and JCrew all have student discounts - and the best part of a student ID is most don't have an expiration date

6. Bright colored nail polish - Loving the yellow and orabge nails this season - so over all the pink!

7. Sparkles - sequins and anything that sparkles makes any outfit a going out outfit, but you can still wear them to the office just throw on a blazer

8. Boyfriend watch - so sexy!

9. Simplistic Lifestyle

10. Tory Burch Shoes - at first scared off by the price but as soon as they were on my foot I knew it was totally worth it - they are so comfortable