Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The leaves are about to change, and so is fashion!!

The term "Spring Cleaning" is for the birds! Every season your closet should be cleaned out. Let's face it, a lot of the things you wore last Autumn are no longer in style, and a lot of the things you planned on wearing this summer, never saw the light of day. . . before starting a new season, it is important to take inventory and purge the things that are no longer necessary. Here are some tips for cleaning out your closet/drawers!

1. If you didn't wear something this summer that was for the season, give it away, take it to Plato's Closet, or sell it at a yard sale! If you didn't wear it this summer, chances are, you won't next summer either.

2. Take inventory of all Autumn clothing, ask yourself, "Will I wear this item this year?" "Does this item still fit?" If either answer is a "No," discard it.

3. Remember the ever so helpful "X Crush Rule," If your X or crush saw you wearing the item of clothing in question would your run for cover or show yourself off?? If you'd run, hide, or with you had worn something  a little more attractive, get rid of it! That item wont do you justice.

4. Go through all of your shoes. Are there any that are worn out, smelly, uncomfortable? Purge them. 

5. Accessories: Accessories such as jewelry are typically easy to store, so if you have the room, go ahead and keep the classics and a few trendy pieces. If you are saving a bracelet from 6th grade because your crush gave it to you 10 yrs ago, GET RID OF IT!! Other accessories however such as scarves, hats, and bags, tend to take up a lot of space. . . . look through all of these items and if you can't remember the last time you've worn/used them, purge them as well!

6. Under garments: Let's face it, we all have our "time of the month panties" and our comfy bras, but if you have panties with holes (we all do) trash them! Have bras you don't wear? Trash them as well.

7. Organize by color, or perhaps item! All jeans together, all dresses, all tops, etc. . this will help you find things easily, and remember, you aren't Heidi Klum, or Jessica Simpson, you don't need 50 pairs of jeans or 100 pairs of shoes!! GET RID OF THEM.

It is important to remember that a cluttered closet wastes time in your day! You can never find anything and chances are, there are things in there that you had no idea you have! Before purchasing one more item, take inventory. . literally.

After you have gotten rid of everything you possibly can (if you have a hard time, invite an honest friend over to do it with you, she will let you know what needs to go! And make sure you tell her to be honest and HARSH, you will need the kick in the butt) take an inventory of everything you have. Make a list, this way you can easily visualize what you have and you will know what to purchase in the future.

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