Monday, August 16, 2010

Seizing the moment!!

"We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

This amazing quote inspired me to write a post about seizing each moment in our lives. How many mornings do we sleep in when we could be being productive? How many times do we not do something because "we don't feel like it?" Well. . this amazing quote speaks volumes when it comes to our capabilities as human beings! 

I make an effort each day to NEVER not do anything based on the reasoning "I don't feel like it."   There are so many hours in a day to accomplish such great things!!! Instead of watching endless amounts of TV, or sitting on facebook for days (I'm quite guilty of this) take that time to volunteer with children or animals in need, or go on a nature walk, join a public library and read, grab a nice cup of Starbucks and read the paper in a park, the possibilities are endless!! 

Leave each day better than the day before, just by doing something small!! Make things happen!! Don't just walk by trash, pick it up and throw it away! Open doors for people! Hand out your business card to everyone you meet! Get yourself out in the world making a difference!! 

The more we sit around doing nothing, the worse off we are, this type of vegging can cause depression, weight gain, loss of world awareness, loss in mobility, flexibility, etc. Even when you don't feel like it, go for a walk! Ride your bike, and remember. . 

There are more possibilities in each moment than we realize! So seize each moment today Ladies and Gentleman!!! 

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